Monday, November 1, 2010

Mass in the Horse-Float

Within the Chapel of Christ the King, within the Corboys' horse-float, late on Friday afternoon the 29th of October:

Fr Rowe descends to the foot of the altar for the beginning of Low Mass, a Votive of the Passion...

The Introit...

The Elevation of the Host...

Through + Him,
and with + Him,
and in + Him,
is unto Thee,
O God the Father + Almighty,
in the unity + of the Holy Ghost,
all honour and glory,
world without end.

(I had perforce to depart at the end of the Canon in order to catch up with the pilgrim procession for the last leg of the day.  Glory be to God!)

1 comment:

  1. This comment just came through via my email account:


    Please 'we indefatigable Corboys' cannot take credit for the portable chapel.
    It is owned and graciously donated and dragged about by my brother John O'Connor of Warrnambool and this year beautifully decked out by Fr. Glen Tattersall and his wonderful helper and assistant John (another John)
    I believe John O'C also supplied much welcomed cuppas to the Priests after Mass !
    As an angel lingers after each Mass my brother John is delighted that each year he carts home a trailer-load with him !
    We had been telling him for ages to go on the pilgrimage so when we heard that the priests needed a portable chapel John's trailer seemed perfect (and a perfect way to get John there too ! - he just loves it now and cannot imagine not attending !)

    I tried to comment on your site but I do not have a what-is-it-called account thing !

    I was not able to attend the pilgrimage until the last day due to grandma duties (I have ten grandchildren now including the latest premmie but thriving twins!)
    I did spot you there in the Cathedral Sunday but we raced off after Mass to visit our dear friends the Poor Clare Sisters before they shut up the cloister for the evening. Did you happen to bump into Iggy ?
    Hopefully we will catch up with you next year !
    I was sorry to read on your site that you visited Wangaratta and did not get to visit us :(

    God Bless for now !


    Mary Lou
