Monday, November 22, 2010

Hymn to St Cecilia (Repost)

Didst thou thy God not hymn and psalm,
O blessed Virgin Martyr dear?
Alone in death with Christ, in calm
Thou didst not turn from purest prayer.

Sing out with radiant Spirits loud
The praise of Christ thy God and Lord!
His strength in thee did shame the proud,
When scorning death thy life outpoured.

How blest thou singest now inspired,
In heav'nly chorus virginal!
Live now with Christ in God, enchoired,
In fairest realm celestial!  

O spouse of Christ Who died for thee,
Maid slain for Him by cruellest sword,
O fame of Rome, fair Cecily,
Teach us to hymn th' Eternal Word.

In Him, God's Son, through Him, our King,
With gladdened hearts from sin set free,
By Light Divine may we e'er sing
As she did to God's Majesty:

Thou Might and Crown of saints above,
True Source of life, Blest Trinity,
Grant us the grace to praise Thy love
In heav'n with her eternally.  Amen.

(My own composition.)

I prefer to sing this to M.-A. Charpentier's tune for the Veni Creator, H.69 (transposed down from its original setting for high soprano).

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