Saturday, October 9, 2010

Clementissime Domine - II

Herewith, the traditional Dominican recension of the votive antiphon for the dead, Clementissime Domine:

(Sorry about the poor quality, I'm not so adept at cutting and pasting.)

The text, in the traditional Dominican version, is as follows:

Clementissime Domine, qui pro nostra miseria ab impiorum manibus mortis supplicium pertulisti: libera animam ejus ab inferni voragine, et de ministris tartareis miserator absolve: et cuncta ejus peccata oblivione perpetua dele: eamque ad lucem tuam Angeli tradant, Paradisique januam introducant: ut dum corpusculum pulveri traditur, ad æternitatem perducant. Domine, miserere super peccatore.
(Most merciful Lord, Who on account of our misery hast borne at the hands of the impious the punishment of death: deliver his soul from the jaws of hell, and set it free from the ministers of Tartarus, Merciful One, and blot out all his sins in perpetual oblivion: and may angels deliver him into Thy light, and bring him into the gate of paradise: that while the little body is handed over to the dust, they may lead him into eternity.  Lord, have mercy upon a sinner.)

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