Sunday, September 19, 2010

Newman Beatified

The choir have just finished the Introit; now the Pope is about to begin Mass, once the welcoming words of Archbishop Bernard of Birmingham (in a reflective light tenor voice) are done.

The Penitential Rite now – the Confiteor and Misereatur.  The Kyrie starts...

After the Kyrie, the Rite of Beatification: the Archbishop will petition the Pope to beatify Newman; the Vice-Postulator will read a short biography of him; the Holy Father will then beatify him by his apostolic authority, appointing his feast day to be the 9th of October, the anniversary of his conversion in 1845; an image and relics of Newman will be placed beside the altar; the people will sing "Praise to the Holiest in the height" in acclamation; the Archbishop thank him again; and then all will sing Gloria in excelsis Deo, giving thanks to God Who made John Henry a model of Christian grace.

Only a few minutes to go!


Other beati in Newman's life: Bl Dominic of the Mother of God, who received him into the Church; Bl Pius IX, who encouraged him to be a priest and found the Oratory in England.

It is done!


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