Sunday, August 8, 2010

Orphanages and Aged Care Facilities

What happened to all the orphanages that used to exist?  I think of an old lady in Hobart who was brought up in St Joseph's Orphanage: it used to be opposite St Joseph's Church, but was long ago demolished, and a motel built on the site.  Where have all the orphans gone?  I think we know the answer.

How much cheaper for the Government not to waste any money on unwanted children – but for the cost of  the Medicare rebate for abortion.

What will happen to all the aged care facilities, the nursing homes, retirement homes and old folks' home, the secure wards for dementia sufferers, for those too frail, incontinent or addled to care for themselves?  The aged care system is in crisis, and with the imminent old age of a vast horde of Baby Boomers, wherever will the money come from to accommodate and look after them all?

How much cheaper for the Government not to waste any money on unwanted senior citizens – but for the cost of the Medicare rebate for euthanasia.

Any suggestions as to how many years away such legislation may lie?  (As there is compulsory voting in Australia, the elderly will first have to be coaxed into supporting the legalization of suicide for the ill and infirm, for reasons of "dignity"; then they will have to be persuaded to take the bitter pill themselves...)

I suppose, given the fact that the Baby Boomers seem to have grown up with and propagated many moral evils ever since they came of age in the sixties, it may be that in this case as in all others, "every sin is its own punishment".

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you. Make old people's homes as unpleasant, hard to get into, and overcrowded as possible...and then...

    Policies like wage subsidies to keep older people in work - with their attendant implication that you are only worthwhile if you can actively 'contribute' don't help either.

    And the trouble is that many older people will even vote in favour of killing themselves, sucked in by rhetoric about 'quality of life'.
