Monday, July 5, 2010

Hobart Missa Cantata

Our Missa cantata for the 6th Sunday after Pentecost went well.  Fr Quinn heard confessions from 11 till 11.20, as he had foreshadowed previously, so that Mass began promptly and on time at half past eleven.  The eight of us forming the choir sang the Propers of course, plus Mass XI (Orbis factor) and Credo III; the one motet was Dona nobis pacem as a round, while for a recessional we sang the Sub tuum.  Mass took 70 minutes; Father does take his time during the Offertory and Canon and Communion, since, as he only celebrates the Extraordinary Form once a month, he has to carefully read the rubricks as he goes.

There were just over sixty present, all told, which apparently is the same number as last month.


  1. Seventy minutes seems relatively speedy for a missa cantata! Glad to hear things are happening on time and the learning curve has kicked in...

  2. Well, it's a bit speedier than the intricacies of Solemn High Mass, so to speak - the sacred dance of priest, deacon and subdeacon takes time, not to mention any sermon that may be preached (some Traddies do go on and on, taking "world without end" as homiletic advice); Fr Quinn prefers to give a fervorino.
