Friday, July 30, 2010

Happy Feast Day, Fr Mannes

"O blessed Mannes, exorcised by novices..." – that was the comic chant some of Fr Mannes' friends made up in his "honour" when he was still a young Dominican student himself: such is the Australian sense of humour that delights in deprecation of others.

His Mum had the best line, though: "You give your son a nice name like Paul, and he changes it to Mayonnaise."

Now, he's a young priest (I recall with gladness that I served his first EF Mass), and doubtless offered up the Holy Sacrifice to-day in honour of his namesake, Bl Mannes, O.P., the half-brother of St Dominic: ad multos annos, Pater reverende!

Deus qui beatum Mannem Confessorem tuum dispositione mirabili in viam perfectionis traduxisti; eadem misericordiæ gratia dirige actus nostros: ut possimus quærere quod jubes, et assequi quod promittis.  Per...
(O God, Who didst lead blessed Mannes Thy Confessor by wondrous disposition along the way of perfection; by the same grace of Thy mercy direct our actions: that we may be able to seek what Thou commandest, and to attain what Thou promisest.  Through...)

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