Saturday, July 17, 2010

Glorious Day in Sydney

Breakfast in my hotel... catching the train to Lewisham for Mass (changing at Central station, and just missing the right one)... arriving during the sermon (about the Brown Scapular and the other approved scapulars)... assisting at the second half of Fr Wong's devout Low Mass at Our Lady's altar... chatting with Francesca and Fr Gresser afterward... meeting up with John and Sidney for morning tea... learning that the Federal Election has been called for the 21st of August (the P.M. having advised the G.G. to do so)... going secondhand bookshopping... yum cha for lunch in Chinatown à la Fr Z (the fried beancurd with garlic and chilli was lipsmackingly good)... afternoon tea, grading into supper, with wines and good port, back at John's place... meeting Sidney's friends, Fr Patrick and Tony... catching up with John's sister and his fiancee, Laura... hearing that their wedding date is at last confirmed (must book flights!)... and finally returning to my hotel, 13 hours after I left it.

A glorious day.

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