Saturday, May 1, 2010

Off to Hobart for Mass

To-morrow, being the first Sunday of May, I'll make the drive down to Hobart, for to attend and sing at our monthly Traditional Mass, which will be that of the 4th Sunday after Easter: Cantate Domino.  I so wish I had the chance to assist at the Liturgy in this manner every Sunday!

Hopefully, as the Traditional Anglican Communion's Australian members have already petitioned for an Australian Ordinariate, and now plan to formalize matters on their side by a Synod at the end of July, even before this year is out – perhaps by Advent 2010? – the local T.A.C. parish (under their prelate, Robarts) will be in full union with Rome, and I will have a Zoar (Genesis xix, 22 – KJV; the Douay has Segor) or place of refuge there, with a pious, reverent, traditional, eastward-facing liturgy in sacral English.  

I won't mind that at all (though if they let me I'll sing a bit of Latin for them too!).

But yet, I do miss my old parish in Perth, with ample opportunities to sing and serve at Mass...

Perhaps once Hobart gets a new bishop, we won't have to put up with Summorum Pontificum being but a dead letter here.

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