Saturday, May 22, 2010

Ken on the Holy Ghost

I must admit to a soft spot for many Anglican divines, such as the pious Thomas Ken (1637-1711), sometime Bishop of Bath and Wells in the Church of England, which see he gave up rather than forswear his rightful allegiance to King James II.  He was author of many spiritual tracts; just this morning I bought a pocket edition (cost in 1876 when new: 1 shilling; cost in 2010 when old: $25) of his Manual of Prayers, bound up with his Exposition of the Church Catechism and Directions for Prayer.  All contain valuable passages breathing a warm love of God; I quote now from the middle work, from the devout and loving paraphrase of the Apostles' Creed that it contains, which he wrote for the benefit of souls, "that your faith might work through love" (cf. Galatians v, 6):

The Third Person in the Trinity.
I believe in Thee, O Thou Spirit of God, the third Person in the most adorable Trinity; I believe, O blessed Spirit, that Thou art the Lord, (2 Cor. iii. 17. 18.) that Thou art God, (John iv. 24; Acts v. 3.) Eternal, (Heb. ix. 14.) and Omniscient, (1 Cor. ii. 10.) a Person distinct from both the Father and the Son, eternally proceeding from both, (Matt. x. 20; Rom. viii. 9.) and equally sent by both, (John xiv. 26; xvi. 7.) and joint Author with both of our salvation; and therefore, all love, all glory, be to Thee.
I believe, O blessed Spirit, that Thou art holy, essentially holy, (1 Pet. i. 15.) in respect of Thy divine Nature; and being essentially holy, art infinitely amiable; and therefore, all love, all glory, be to Thee.
I believe, O blessed Spirit, that Thou art personally holy, that Thou art the Author of all internal holiness, and of all internal and sanctifying grace; (Gal. v. 22.) that Thou art the principle of all spiritual life in us; (John iii. 5.) and therefore, all love, all glory, be to Thee.
Glory be to Thee, O Love Incarnate, for sending the Spirit in Thy stead, and for promising it to our prayers: (Luke xi. 13.) all love, all glory, be to Thee.
Glory be to Thee, O Spirit of Love, for "shedding the love of God abroad in our hearts," (Rom. v. 5.) for filling all that love Thee with exuberance of joy and consolation: all love, all glory be to Thee.
O Thou blessed Spirit the Comforter, purify my soul, and infuse Thy love into it, and consecrate it to be Thy temple, (1 Cor. vi. 19.) and fix Thy throne immoveably there, and set all my affections on fire, that my heart may be a continual sacrifice of love offered up to Thee and the flame may be ever aspiring towards Thee.

See what devotion is!  No wonder his Exposition of the Church Catechism was subtitled The Practice of Divine Love.  "All love, all glory, be to Thee."

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