Friday, May 28, 2010

For Those in Peril on the Sea

After lunch to-morrow, I set out on my driving holiday.  First, to Devonport, where I will bring my car as well as myself aboard The Spirit of Tasmania, for the overnight crossing to Melbourne (about 450 km).

I think of Purcell's anthem "They that go down to the sea in ships" (Psalm 106(107):23-32)...

Bass Strait is notoriously rough, and I am no sailor, so I would appreciate prayers for a smooth passage!

Deus, qui transtulisti patres nostros per Mare Rubrum, et transvexisti eos per aquam nimiam, laudem tui nominis decantantes: te suppliciter deprecamur; ut in navi famulos tuos, repulsis adversitatibus, portu semper optabili, cursuque tranquillo tuearis.  Per...
(O God, Who didst bring our fathers through the Red Sea and didst guide them in safety through the overflowing waters, whilst they sang praises to Thy name, we humbly pray that Thou wouldst keep in safety Thy servants on board ship and grant them a calm voyage to the haven they desire.  Through...)
— Roman Missal, For those at Sea, Collect

Impera, Domine, ventis et mari: et navigantibus famulis tuis fiat tranquillitas; Qui vivis…
(Command, Lord, the winds and sea: and for Thy servants, seafarers, make it calm: Who livest...)
— Paris Missal, For those at Sea, Postcommunion

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