Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Chant Practice

There's nothing like a singalong... especially if it be Gregorian chant that's sung.  

Our little coterie gathered at St Francis for a practice led by yours truly, and it all went well: the simple Regina cæli as a start (for to invoke Our Lady's mediation), then the syllabic hymn Jesu dulcis memoria, followed by the Easter Sequence Victimæ Paschali laudes, and finally, launching into the Ordinary of the Mass, the Kyrie, Ite, Agnus Dei and Sanctus of the Missa de Angelis, of course.  A good time was had by all, though I had a dry throat after ninety minutes!  

On the way home, I stopt to buy milk, and also bought a treat my aunt introduced me to after her Scottish sojourn: oatcakes.  Yum.

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