Monday, April 19, 2010

Annuntio vobis

With gratitude to the Almighty, Who has given us such a Vicar of His Son in the person of Pope Benedict XVI, let us relive those joyful moments when, five years ago to-day, the election of Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger as Supreme Pontiff was announced... listen to the Habemus Papam remix!

I remember well how I resolved to awake in the middle of the night to check the radio news, perhaps for a week... and unexpectedly soon, the alarm woke me to the marvellous news about 3am Melbourne time.  As we'd arranged, I immediately rang friends of mine to share this great joy, then got up,  and watched CNN coverage until daybreak – and went to a nearby chapel to pray the Te Deum.

Ad multos annos, Pater sancte!

His Holiness may be reviled by the erring world (inside as well as outside the Church), but those who think with the Church know that in him we have a true Holy Father, one who squarely faces the manifold problems afflicting the Church, and who is striving to rid the Church of the filth that has polluted her in these dark times, putting his trust wholly in the Lord and His grace, Whose goodness will always triumph.

Let us pray for Benedict XVI, our Pope:
The Lord preserve him, and give him life, and make him blessed upon the earth, and deliver him not up to the will of his enemies. (Ps xl, 3)

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