Sunday, April 25, 2010

1962 Dominican Ordo for April and May 2010

Very overdue is my Dominican Rite 1962 Ordo for the Divine Office for April –which is almost over! – and May 2010, which covers the most holy Easter season, but here is it at last:

1 – Thursday of the Lord's Supper ["Holy Thursday"] – I class
2 – Friday of the Lord's Passion and Death ["Good Friday"] – I
3 – Holy Saturday – I
4 – The Holy Day of Pascha ["Easter Sunday"] – I with Octave of the I class
5 – Monday in the Paschal Octave – I
6 – Tuesday in the Paschal Octave – I
7 – Wednesday in the Paschal Octave – I
8 – Thursday in the Paschal Octave – I
9 – Friday in the Paschal Octave – I
10 – Saturday in the Paschal Octave – I
11 – Sunday in albis [when the neophytes laid aside their baptismal robes], the Octave of Easter – I
12 – Monday of the week after the Paschal Octave – IV (feria)
13 – Tuesday of the week after the Paschal Octave – IV (feria)
14 – Wednesday of the week after the Paschal Octave – IV (feria), with Memoria of SS Tiburtius, Valerian & Maximus, MM, at Lauds
15 – Thursday of the week after the Paschal Octave – IV (feria)
16 – Friday of the week after the Paschal Octave – IV (feria)
17 – Our Lady on Saturday – IV
18 – 2nd Sunday after Pascha – IV (feria)
19 – Monday of the 2nd week after the Paschal Octave – IV (feria)
20 – St Agnes of Montepulciano, O.P., V – III
21 – St Anselm, B, C, D – III
22 – Thursday of the 2nd week after the Paschal Octave – IV (feria)
23 – Friday of the 2nd week after the Paschal Octave – IV (feria), with Memoria of St George, M, at Lauds
24 – The Lord's Most Holy Crown of Thorns – III
25 – 3rd Sunday after Pascha – II, with Memoria of St Mark, Evangelist, at Lauds
26 – Monday of the 3rd week after the Paschal Octave – IV (feria)
27 – Tuesday of the 3rd week after the Paschal Octave – IV (feria)
28 – St Paul of the Cross, C – III
29 – St Peter [of Verona], O.P., M – II
30 – St Catharine of Siena, O.P., V – II; 1st Vespers of St Joseph the Worker

As may be seen, the Dominican Calendar for April omits several Roman feasts (St Hermenegild, St Justin, SS Soter & Caius, St Fidelis of Sigmaringen, SS Cletus & Marcellinus, St Peter Canisius), but keeps several of its own (St Agnes of Montepulciano, the Crown of Thorns), and celebrates two Dominican saints as feasts of the second class.

1 – St Joseph the Worker – I
2 – 4th Sunday after Pascha – II
3 – Monday of the 4th week after the Paschal Octave – IV (feria), with Memoria of SS Alexander, Eventius & Theodulus, MM, at Lauds
4 – St Monica, Widow – III
5 – St Pius V, O.P., P & C – III
6 – Thursday of the 4th week after the Paschal Octave – IV (feria)
7 – St Stanislaus, B & M – III
8 – The Blessed Virgin Mary, Mediatrix of All Graces – III
9 – 5th Sunday after Pascha – II
10 – St Antonius [of Florence], O.P., B & C – II, with Memoria of SS Gordian & Epimachus, MM, at Lauds
11 – SS Philip & James, Apostles – II
12 – Vigil of the Ascension – II; 1st Vespers of the Ascension
13 – The Ascension of the Lord – I
14 – Friday after the Ascension – IV (feria)
15 – St John Baptist de la Salle, C – III
16 – Sunday after the Ascension – II
17 – Monday after the Ascension – IV (feria)
18 – St Venantius, M – III
19 – St Peter Celestine, P & C – III
20 – Thursday before the Vigil of Pentecost – IV (feria)
21 – Friday before the Vigil of Pentecost – IV (feria)
22 – Saturday of the Vigil of Pentecost – I; 1st Vespers of Pentecost
23 – The Day of Pentecost – I with Octave of I class
24 – Monday in the Octave of Pentecost – I
25 – Tuesday in the Octave of Pentecost – I
26 – Wednesday of Quarter Tense in the Octave of Pentecost – I
27 – Thursday in the Octave of Pentecost – I
28 – Friday of Quarter Tense in the Octave of Pentecost – I
29 – Saturday of Quarter Tense in the Octave of Pentecost – I; 1st Vespers of Trinity Sunday
30 – 1st Sunday after Pentecost: the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity – I
31 – The Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen – II, with Memoria of St Petronilla, V, at Lauds

Again, the Dominican calendar shews some differences from the Roman...

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