Sunday, March 21, 2010

Passiontide & Holy Week in W.A.

Fr Rowe has just emailed me the latest copy of the bulletin of his Latin Mass apostolate:

 March - April 2010 Holy Week Notices

Month of  St Joseph
Latin Mass Apostolate
Mass can be followed in Latin/English/Italian Missals available for use at the door. 
Hymn books and purple Kyriales for sung Masses are available for use also.

                              Schedule for St Anne's Church, 11 Hehir St, Belmont

SUNDAY      March  21   7.30am & 9.30am               PASSION SUNDAY


Wednesday                                24   10.15am            Preceded by Holy Hour & Benediction. 9.00am – 10.00am           

                                                                                Pasiontide Feria

Thursday                                25     6.30pm             Preceded by Holy Hour & Benediction. 5.15pm – 6.15pm           

                                                                                ANNUNCIATION OF OUR LADY

Friday                                            26     5.30pm            STATIONS OF THE CROSS then Mass – Passiontide Feria 

Saturday                                 27     9.00am             Passiontide Feria

SUNDAY     March   28   7.30am & 9.30am                     PALM SUNDAY


Wednesday                                31   10.15am            Preceded by Holy Hour & Benediction. 9.00am – 10.00am           

                                                                                Wednesday in Holy Week

Please note the Easter Triduum is to take place at St Anne's Church, 11 Hehir St, Belmont.

Thursday          April      1    7.00pm     Maundy Thursday followed by Adoration

Good Friday                        2          1.30pm      STATIONS OF THE CROSS 


DEATH OF OUR LORD (Day of Fast & Abstinence)

                                                         7.00pm     TENEBRAE 

 Holy Saturday              3     10.00pm      HOLY SATURDAY VIGIL – CEREMONIES AND

                                                                        MASS OF EASTER. (fulfills Sunday obligation)

SUNDAY      April    4     7.30am & 9.30am                  EASTER 

Monday                                     5      9.00am             Easter Monday (Public holiday)


CONFESSIONS: Heard before Mass on Sunday, weekday Masses and after if necessary.  Please make the effort to go to confession during the week so that those only able to make Sunday Mass can go then.
On Sundays please be there at least 10 minutes before Mass to go to confession otherwise may miss out.
Please note that confessions at Belmont are heard in the oratory next to the church, enter via the outside door to the presbytery which is on the left side of the church.

Schedule for St John Pro-Cathedral, Victoria Avenue, Perth


SUNDAY   March 21  11.30am          PASSION SUNDAY

Monday                                  22    5.30pm             Passiontide Feria

Tuesday                                    23    7.45am             Passiontide Feria

Thursday                              25               12.10pm            Annunciation of Our Lady

SUNDAY   March 28  11.30am          PALM SUNDAY

Monday                                  29    7.45am             Monday in Holy Week

Tuesday                                    30    7.45am             Tuesday in Holy Week

SUNDAY   April     4   11.30am         EASTER SUNDAY


Schedule for Good Shepherd Church, 44 Streich Ave, Kelmscott.


SUNDAY     March    21   2.00pm               PASSION SUNDAY

SUNDAY      March   28   2.00pm                    PALM SUNDAY

SUNDAY       April     4   12.00noon                EASTER 

SUNDAY       April    11    2.00pm                   LOW SUNDAY 

SUNDAY       April     18   4.00pm                   GOOD SHEPHERD SUNDAY

SUNDAY       April     25   2.00pm                   Third after EASTER 

And thereafter at 2.00pm.  Please note the different times in April.

Schedule for St Thomas Church, Locke St, Carey Park, Bunbury

MASS IN BUNBURY: St Thomas Church, Locke Street, Carey Park.

Sunday at 6.00pm:            21 March 10   Sun 4th April 10    25 April 10            Sun 30th May 10     20 June 10

Monday:                 22 Mar (8.00am)    5th Ap(9.00am)    26 Ap(9.00am)  31st May (8.00am)  21 Ju (8.00am)         

Lent: Our Lord showed His obedience to His Father and His love for us by making the supreme sacrifice of Himself on Calvary.  In Lent we remember this and give Him our love by making daily acts of penance, fasting, prayer and the reading of the Passion.  During Lent we must reaffirm our love for God by seeking His forgiveness for our sins and offenses by making daily acts of penance.

Holy Week:  Please note that the Sacred Triduum is at St Anne's Church, 11 Hehir St, Belmont. 

Six Precepts of the Church: 1. Attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation. 2. Confess sins at least once a year. 3. Receive Holy Communion at least once during Easter season. 4. Observe the days of fast and abstinence. 5. Help provide for the needs of the Church. 6. Marry in a Catholic church.

Summer Attire: During the warmer months it is all too easy to let down our guard of wearing modest clothing.  Please be diligent in assuring that your clothing is fit for being in the presence of Almighty
God, and is not an occasion of sin to someone around you.

Seating at Sunday Masses: If possible, please always occupy the front pews close to the windows first, then the back pews. Be aware if you arrive late there are usually seats up the front so feel free to move up there.  Each pew can comfortably fit six people so please move up to be courteous to others so they can find a space to sit.

Bus and Map to St Anne's Church: Please take note of additional information of map to St Anne's Church and bus timetable information available.

Parking on Sundays in Mercedes College: Gates are locked after 11.30am Sunday Mass so make sure your car is out promptly. Please remember Mercedes College in your prayers and park courteously.
Please note that smoking is not permitted in Mercedes, and ensure that your children are under adult supervision on school grounds at all times.

New email addresses: If you wish to receive a copy of the bulletin and notices by email, please email the following address:   Each month the notices will be emailed to you automatically.  If you wish to contact Fr about any other matter use the following email address:    Please use this email for all matters.

PO Box 337 NORTH PERTH  W.A.  6906

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