Monday, March 15, 2010

O Canada

One's own worries are very small in the scheme of things; good is vastly greater than evil; God's in His heaven, all's right with the world.  Grace abounds...  

The latest signal instance of this is the just-released petition from the Anglican Catholic Church of Canada (part of the Traditional Anglican Communion), addressing Cardinal Levada as head of the competent dicastery, that of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, and humbly asking the Holy See to establish an Anglican Personal Ordinariate in Canada, to set up an interim governing council, and to permit that council to submit a terna of names to the Holy Father, that he may appoint the first Ordinary thereof.

Perhaps British North America will see the first fruits of Anglicanorum cœtibus so very soon.

Let there be sung Te Deum laudamus (see my earlier posting of this)! - I certainly will be.

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