Sunday, February 14, 2010

Three Bears

There's a lot of wildlife around... just yesterday, as I drove out to go to confession, there was a wallaby standing in the driveway, which hopped away across the street towards one of the other houses...

To-day, I took my father out for a drive in the country, since he no longer drives and rarely gets out any more.  We drove up along the Tamar, past Brady's Lookout (where once that notorious bushranger espied likely targets, while keeping watch for the approach of any officers of the law), and stopt at Exeter for a pie for lunch at the excellent bakery there.  Next, we turned away from the river and proceeded west along the Frankford Road, then south to Westbury (where in colonial days one of the British regiments was garrisoned), and home via the old road through Hagley, Carrick and Hadspen.  The trip, including visiting my sister for a spell, took a couple of hours, and covered about 100 km.

A few kilometres to the west of Carrick lies what my parents have always assured me is the Three Bears' Forest (I see no reason to doubt them), where the events of that well-known incident took place that have long since been immortalized in print.  It's always pleasing to see it again, just as with wonderment my sister and I stared out at those dark trees all those years ago when we were young.

The forest is directly north of the Meander Valley Highway:

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