Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sub umbra alarum Altissimi

I like Invocabit Sunday - the first Sunday of Lent, when "we solemnly immolate the sacrifice of the beginning of Lent" as the priest prays in the Secret.  I like it because all the chants of this day are from the same Psalm: Psalm 90, Qui habitat in adjutorio Altissimi – for we indeed can hope and trust in victory in our Christian combat against the unholy Trinity of our threefold enemy, since we abide in the shelter of the Most High.

Mass at St Canice went well, I thought - despite my singing in the choir!  There were seven of us, including a visitor from overseas; Fr Quinn at the altar was assisted by six servers; and in the nave there were about forty or more (perhaps in absolute terms not so very many, but considering that this Mass is only celebrated once a month, and very late in the morning - we began late, at a quarter to twelve - quite a good showing relatively speaking, especially given the set against the Latin Mass that this archdiocese persists in, the Archbishop having repeatedly made clear to clergy and laity that he will not tolerate any more Latin Masses nor any more celebrants thereof, whatever that silly old Pope may say).  Speaking of the Arch., I hear he's sick of trying to run the place, and may retire early... oh well.

We sang all the Propers to the full chant, even including the supremely long Tract, which took 12 minutes to execute.  Add to that Mass XVII, Credo I, and Attende Domine (twice through) at the Offertory, and we were all quite pleased: the Mass took just an hour and a quarter, which is quick for Fr (who doesn't get much practice of course).

I await now an unbiassed opinion of how our choir performed in our duties.


  1. Joshua,

    Unrelated to your post but do you know whether any of the Religious Orders use the hymn Ad preces nostras Deitatis aures for Vespers on the Sundays of Lent (as found in Tridentine, and earlier, Roman Breviaries)?

  2. I have a Dominican Breviary before me, but its Lenten hymns (for Sundays and ferias alike) are as follows:

    - at Matins, Summi largitor præmii;

    - at Lauds, Jam Christe sol justitiæ;

    - at Vespers, Audi benigne Conditor.

  3. Joshua,

    Thank you. I shall have to pay a visit to the British Library. I had not realised until yesterday that at one time the Roman rite had Audi benigne during the week and Ad preces nostras on Sundays.
