Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A Prayer to St Blaise

Not having had the opportunity to receive the traditional Blessing of Throats on St Blaise's Day to-day, the 3rd of February, in lieu of having crossed candles held at my throat – isn't that a great picture?! – while the priest pronounces the proper benediction Per intercessionem sancti Blasii liberet te Deus a malo gutteris et a quovis alio malo ("By the intercession of St Blaise, God deliver thee from evil of the throat and from any other evil"), I pray him, the Martyr-Bishop of Sebaste in Lesser Armenia:

Shepherd after the heart of the Good Shepherd, High Priest as sacramental icon of the One Eternal High Priest, Witness unto death to the True and Faithful Witness, Thou excellent Bishop and Martyr, Saint Blaise: who by a prodigy of goodness art appointed by God's mysterious providence as mediator in the One Mediator for all needs spiritual and temporal, and intercessory averter in especial of all afflictions and diseases of the throat, obtain from the Lord such blessings as may conduce to our everlasting health and salvation; may thy glorious merits and suffrages avail to prevent, assuage, or cure sickness especially of the throat, enabling us to bear our mutual burdens manfully according to God's all-holy will; care for us, teach us by thine example most sacred to know that in pain we may both atone for our crimes and store up merit, being purified of earthly dross to be fitter for heaven, making up what is lacking in the sufferings of Christ for the sake of His Body, the Church; plead for us, make excuses for our waywardness and faults, for we are sinful, fallen men; worship and bless and praise the Trinity on our behalf, thou who now livest in Christ evermore, and reignest with Him, having overcome the great tribulation of mortal life, and passed as purest gold through the fiery furnace of thy suffering and death — by His grace, Who endured all things for us, Who atoned for all sins by His Sacrifice,  offering perfect adoration, and won for us every grace and benediction, having taught us saving doctrine by His every word and work, the same Our Lord Jesus Christ, whom we beseech, by thy pure prayers and those of His Holy Virgin Mother, to save our souls.
Ora pro nobis, beati Blasi.
Ut digni efficiamur promissionibus Christi.
Da, quæsumus, omnipotens Deus: ut, qui beati Blasii Martyris tui atque Pontificis solemnia colimus, ejus apud te intercessionibus adjuvemur.  Per...
(Pray for us, blessed Blaise, 
(That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
(Let us pray. 
(Give, we beg, almighty God; that we who honour the solemnities of blessed Blaise Thy Martyr and Pontiff, may be aided by his intercessions before Thee.  Through...)

1 comment:

  1. Not having had the opportunity to receive the traditional Blessing of Throats on St Blaise's Day to-day,...

    I'll say a prayer for you as I get my St Blaise blessing today then...
