Saturday, February 27, 2010

2010 Ordo for the 1962 Dominican Breviary - March and April


1 - Lenten Feria - 3rd cl.; Memorial of St Albin, B. & C., at Lauds
2 - Lenten Feria - 3rd cl.
3 - Lenten Feria - 3rd cl.
4 - Lenten Feria - 3rd cl.; Memorial of St Casimir, C., at Lauds
5 - Lenten Feria - 3rd cl.
6 - Lenten Feria - 3rd cl.
7 - 3rd Sunday of Lent - 1st cl.
8 - St Thomas Aquinas, O.P., C. & D. - 1st cl. (transferred from the 7th)
9 - Lenten Feria - 3rd cl.; Memorial of St Frances of Rome, Widow, at Lauds
10 - Lenten Feria - 3rd cl.
11 - Lenten Feria - 3rd cl.
12 - Lenten Feria - 3rd cl.; Memorial of St Gregory the Great, P., C., D., at Lauds
13 - Lenten Feria - 3rd cl.
14 - 4th Sunday of Lent - 1st cl.
15 - Lenten Feria - 3rd cl.
16 - Lenten Feria - 3rd cl.; in Australia, first Vespers of St Patrick, B. & C. with Memorial of the Lenten Feria
17 - in Australia, St Patrick, B. & C. - 1st cl.; Memorial of the Lenten Feria at Lauds & Vespers
18 - Lenten Feria - 3rd cl.; Memorial of St Cyril of Jerusalem, C. & D., at Lauds; first Vespers of St Joseph with Memorial of the Lenten Feria
19 - St Joseph, Spouse of Our Lady, C. - 1st cl.; Memorial of the Lenten Feria at Lauds & Vespers
20 - Lenten Feria - 3rd cl.; Memorial of Bl Ambrose Sansedoni, O.P., C., at Lauds
21 - Passion Sunday - 1st cl.
22 - Passiontide Feria - 3rd cl.
23 - Passiontide Feria - 3rd cl.
24 - Passiontide Feria - 3rd cl.; Memorial of St Gabriel Archangel at Lauds; first Vespers of the Annunciation with Memorial of the Passiontide Feria
25 - Annunciation - 1st cl.; Memorial of the Passiontide Feria at Lauds & Vespers
26 - Passiontide Feria - 3rd cl.; Memorial of the Compassion of Our Lady at Lauds
27 - Passiontide Feria - 3rd cl.
28 - Palm Sunday - 1st cl.
29 - Monday of Holy Week - 1st cl.
30 - Tuesday of Holy Week - 1st cl.
31 - Wednesday of Holy Week - 1st cl.


1 - Holy Thursday - 1st cl.
2 - Good Friday - 1st cl.
3 - Holy Saturday - 1st cl.
4 - EASTER SUNDAY - 1st cl.
5 - Easter Monday - 1st cl.
6 - Easter Tuesday - 1st cl.
7 - Easter Wednesday - 1st cl.
8 - Easter Thursday - 1st cl.
9 - Easter Friday - 1st cl.
10 - Easter Saturday - 1st cl.
11 - Low Sunday - 1st cl.
12 - Paschal Feria - 4th cl.
13 - Paschal Feria - 4th cl.
14 - Paschal Feria - 4th cl.; Memorial of SS Tiburtius, Valerian & Maximus, MM., at Lauds
15 - Paschal Feria - 4th cl.
16 - Paschal Feria - 4th cl.
17 - Our Lady on Saturday - 4th cl.
18 - 2nd Sunday after Easter - 2nd cl.
19 - Paschal Feria - 4th cl.
20 - St Agnes of Montepulciano, O.P., V. - 3rd cl.
21 - St Anselm, B., C., D. - 3rd cl.
22 - Paschal Feria - 4th cl.
23 - Paschal Feria - 4th cl.; Memorial of St George, M., at Lauds
24 - Our Lord's Most Holy Crown of Thorns - 3rd cl.
25 - 3rd Sunday afer Easter - 2nd cl.; Memorial of St Mark Evangelist at Lauds; Greater Litanies
26 - Paschal Feria - 4th cl.
27 - Paschal Feria - 4th cl.
28 - St Paul of the Cross, C. - 3rd cl.
29 - St Peter of Verona, O.P., M. - 2nd cl.
30 - St Catherine of Siena, O.P., V. - 2nd cl.; first Vespers of St Joseph the Worker


  1. Thanks, I managed to get myself one of those Diurnals. Now to work ot how to pray it.

  2. Thank you for this, Josh! :D

  3. Josh: can you explain the Preces too? There seem to be an awful lot (iterations) of them - compared to the Roman rite - and I don't know when to use them!
