Sunday, January 17, 2010

Thursday in Rome

My last day in Rome dawned early, with a rush to get to St Peter's by seven a.m., when the doors are opened.  I found the server already setting up for Fr Withoos' Low Mass at the altar of the Transfiguration. After Mass, I joined him for a quick coffee and so forth, before heading back to my hotel to pack.  Soon enough, I set out for my last walk around Rome, first over to the Chiesa Nuova at last, to visit dear St Philip.

I visited a few other churches of note, such as the Minerva (where St Catherine of Siena reposes under the high altar, with Fra Angelico's funerary monument nearby), before plodding back toward the Vatican, stopping at a nice little cafe in the Borgo Pio.   Then, at about four o'clock, I took a taxi (40 euros) to the airport, for my flight at half past eight.

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