Saturday, January 2, 2010

Dreaming Spires

Courtesy of Mike's iPhone and the WiFi at a cafe, I'm able to blog here in Oxford, whither we came this afternoon. Having just attended a sort of "evening service" at Christ Church cathedral, we're about to see the new "Sherlock Holmes" film at the Odeon.

This morning we went for to hear Mass at Brompton Oratory,but got the time wrong, so we paid a visit to Westminster Cathedral - I took the chance to pray Lauds and Pretiosa - before breakfasting at our hotel, then returning for a late morning Low Mass at the Oratory; we arrived in time for the very end of the OF Mass before it, with a solemn blessing for the New Year.


Yesterday, after meeting at Heathrow and checking in, we went looking about (saw Buck House, paid a visit to Westminster Cathedral) then heard a Latin Novus Ordo at the Oratory.  I noted several rubrickal irregularities!  (Only joshing, Fr Dominic...)

But still, such a ne plus ultra of OF drest up as EF was nearly as good as the real thing... Interestingly, just as we reached the Oratory yester-day we caught the Last Gospel of a private Low Mass at a side altar: both priest and server were Aussies, as I was later informed - Cooees may email me for details: I would like them to improve their quality of gossip.


I enjoyed the film; Mike fell asleep.


  1. "I enjoyed the film; Mike fell asleep."

    What a surprise!

    It's a bit like paying for a sleep.

    Enjoy Oxford Josh,
    Rob A

  2. Glad to hear you're having a good time, and got here safely! God bless.

  3. Happy new year Josh. more comments anon. Just on my way to bed and thought to look up on your travels.

  4. I cannot believe you were in London and didn't come and visit me!!!!! :( tragic.

  5. I called your mobile number, but there was no answer...
