Thursday, January 28, 2010

1962 Dominican Rite Ordo for the remainder of January and February

I have had one of those requests only I engender... for an ordo for the Dominican Breviary of 1962.  Well, as a fool I'll rush in - this is a rushed job, so beware!

UPDATE: I had forgotten that ferial Saturdays of 4th class have Our Lady's Office.  The error is now corrected.




28 - St Peter Nolasco, Conf. - 3rd class; Memorial of St Agnes, V. & M., at Lauds
29 - St Francis de Sales, B., C., D. - 3rd cl.
30 - Our Lady on Saturday - 4th cl.; Memorial of St Martina, V. & M., at Lauds; first Vespers of Septuagesima
31 - Septuagesima Sunday - 2nd cl.


1 - St Ignatius, B. & M. - 3rd cl. (no first Vespers of the Purification this year)
2 - Purification of Our Lady - 2nd cl.
3 - Feria - 4th cl.; Memorial of St Blaise, B. & M., at Lauds
4 - St Andrew Corsini, B. & C. - 3rd cl.
5 - St Agatha, V. & M. - 3rd cl.
6 - Our Lady on Saturday - 4th cl.; Memorial of St Vedast & Amandus, BB. & CC., at Lauds; first Vespers of Sexagesima
7 - Sexagesima Sunday - 2nd cl.
8 - St John de Matha, C. - 3rd cl.
9 - St Cyril of Alexandria, B., C. & D. - 3rd cl.
10 - St Scholastica, V. - 3rd cl.
11 - Apparition of Our Lady at Lourdes - 3rd cl.
12 - Seven Holy Founders of the Servites, CC. - 3rd cl.
13 - St Catherine de Ricci, O.P., V. - 3rd cl.; first Vespers of Quinquagesima
14 - Quinquagesima Sunday - 2nd cl.
15 - Bl Henry Suso, O.P., C. - 3rd cl.
16 - Feria - 4th cl.
17 - Ash Wednesday - 1st cl.
18 - Feria of Lent - 3rd cl.
19 - Feria of Lent - 3rd cl.
20 - Feria of Lent - 3rd cl.
21 - 1st Sunday of Lent - 1st cl.
22 - Chair of St Peter, Ap. - 2nd cl.; Memorial of the Lenten Feria at Lauds & Vespers
23 - Feria of Lent - 3rd cl.; Memorial of St Peter Damian, B., C., D., at Lauds
24 - St Matthias, Ap. - 2nd cl.; Memorial of the Lenten Ember Wednesday at Lauds & Vespers
25 - Feria of Lent - 3rd cl.
26 - Ember Friday of Lent - 2nd cl.
27 - Ember Saturday of Lent - 2nd cl.
28 - 2nd Sunday of Lent - 1st cl.

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