Thursday, December 24, 2009

My European Itinerary

As I've mentioned in previous postings, I'm off to the Old Country, and thence to Italy, for a few weeks after Christmas.

For the benefit of my friends and well-wishers, here are my finalized travel plans:

Wednesday 30th December

Fly to Melbourne at 9:55 am, arriving at 11:00 am; depart Melbourne at 10:25 pm for Dubai...

Thursday 31st December

Arrive Dubai at 5:40 am local time, departing at 7:45 am; and arrive London (Heathrow) at 11:35 am GMT.

(It'll be interesting to see the UK, but I must admit my images of London are largely informed by watching The Bill; at least my accommodation is just down the road from Liz and Phil...)

Friday 1st January

At some point during New Year's Day, my mate Michael (whom I'm meeting in London) and I will travel up to Oxford, weather permitting!

Sunday 3rd January

Back to London...

Monday 4th January

I fly from London (Gatwick) at 8:20 am, arriving Edinburgh at 9:45 am.

Thursday 7th January

Depart Edinburgh 6:10 am, arriving Paris (Charles de Gaulle) 9:10 am, then flying on from there at 10:05 am, arriving Florence at 12:10 pm.

(It will be good to get back there: Firenze - città bellisima!)

Saturday 9th January

I will take the train down to Rome in the morning...

Thursday 14th January

Depart Rome at 8:25 pm, bound for Dubai.

Friday 15th January

Arrive Dubai 5:05 am, depart 9:40 am; arrive Singapore 8:50 pm, depart 10:25 pm.

Saturday 16th January

Return to Australia: arrive Melbourne 8:45 am.

(My friends at the Dominican Priory in Camberwell have kindly agreed to let me stay the night there.)

Sunday 17th January

Depart Melbourne 3:20 pm; return home to Launceston 4:40 pm.

Maps generated by the
Great Circle Mapper -
copyright © Karl L. Swartz.

Many thanks to Great Circle Mapper, with which I've plotted my course (excl. Oxford and back, about 200 km)... it turns out I'll be travelling around 37,000 km in total, about 90% of the circumference of the earth - I love trivial facts.


  1. Looking forward to seeing you. I confirmed with Father last week that there will be an evening Latin Mass for you on the 6th... but you can go to daily Latin Mass anyway, see here:

  2. Thanks, Mark. I was amazed to think that I'll be in London in a week, and keep Twelfth Night in Scotland.

  3. hi josh, which train are you catching to Rome? saturday is a free day for us.

  4. Dear Joshua,

    Looks like you'll miss the Balaclava.

    While the fathers are in Rome Father Terence Naughtin and Dom Alban are shepherding the faithful.

    A pity you couln't make it to Lanherne for the Franciscans of the Immaculate but there is only so much one can do.

    Safe journey and return.

    In Christo,

  5. Anthony - look forward to seeing you in Caulfield - we'll do lunch somewhere (between you and me the Balaclava is a bit infra dig)...

    Brennan - I haven't decided yet, but I'll let you know: can you email me your phone number so I can ring you from Florence?

  6. Anthony - at least the sermon will be better!!!
