Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Jesu Dulcis Memoria

After Mass this evening, on the way home, I was moved to sing that great hymn in honour of the Holy Name, Jesu dulcis memoria - it is so apt an illustration of the feelings arising in the soul communicated with the blissful Sacrament of His Body and Blood. I much recommend its use at Communion...

Earlier, I'd stopt by to visit an old retired priest I know, to wish him an early happy Christmas, bringing him a little gift, to have a chat, and later to receive his ghostly counsel in Confession. It's impressive to me, and a perceptible confirmation of his priestly character undimmed by age and ill-health, how his quavery voice becomes firm and sure when he administers the Sacrament of Penance.

Another very good day, because blessed by the worship of Almighty God.


  1. Yes. Jesu Dulcis Memoria is one of my favourite hymns also. Apparently, it has a lot more verses than commonly sung.

  2. Many thanks, Kiran!

    NB The three Office hymns for the feast of the Most Holy Name of Jesus are taken from the long poem you linked to, thusly:

    Jesu dulcis memoria (at Vespers):

    stanzas 1,2,3,5, plus a doxology from elsewhere*;

    Jesu Rex admirabilis (at Matins):

    stanzas 9,11,4,14, plus a doxology from elsewhere*;

    Jesus decus angelicum (at Lauds):

    stanzas 22,20,27,10, plus 35 as a doxology.

    [* Unlike in the original poem, the last lines of these do not rhyme.]
