Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I Told You So

From the latest Ad Clerum of the Canadian branch of the Traditional Anglican Communion, dated November 16th:

In addition to their [the Pope and the C.D.F.'s] October Response [in issuing Anglicanorum cœtibus &c.] it is expected that they will soon respond directly to the TAC. Following receipt of that information it is hoped that we would begin a dialogue on how the Apostolic Constitution might be implemented. Until that is accomplished, it would be wise not to speculate on the future of any of our bishops, clergy or laity! We will keep you informed.

I have previously explained in some detail, based upon various sources (one of them a Canadian in the know), that Anglicanorum cœtibus is not the whole of the Pope's response to the T.A.C.'s petition for corporate reunion: here is more confirmation. It is thought that yet more generous conditions and special privileges are being offered...

Told you so!

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