Saturday, November 7, 2009

Confession and Mattins

As per usual, off to Confession this morning... I quickly and quietly slipt into church, as there was a funeral going on, and popped into the box... on my reëmergence all clean of sin, I noticed that Fr was preaching in Italian, given the ethnicity of the deceased, his family and friends.

Then, my usual walk around town, brunch and reading of the weekend newspapers (The Age and The Australian; I had scanned our local, The Examiner, at home as always); and I bought Tom Frame's Losing My Religion: Unbelief in Australia (thesis: most Aussies just don't care much about religion - too true!).

To-day, when I'm going off to visit a T.A.C. personage, I thought to use The Book of Divine Worship (Anglican Use of the Roman Rite) for devotions; so, for a change, I've read Mattins therefrom. The Psalms and Lessons seemed apposite for those Anglicans who are now teetering on the edge of coming home to Rome, having fought the good fight against liberal persecution and misbelief: Pss 34(35) and 35(36); Ecclesiasticus li, 1-12; and Apocalypse xviii, 1-14...

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