Friday, November 13, 2009

Off to the Old Country...

Thanks for any prayers offered: I've managed to get affordable tickets for flights to and from Europe for my upcoming trip.

I will arrive in London just before noon on Thursday the 31st of December, and hope to spend about nine days in England and Scotland, probably visiting Oxford and lastly Edinburgh... then it's off to Italy to meet up with a friend of mine, with whom I'll do some travelling about - probably mainly in Rome and Florence (a visit to Gricigliano hopefully), plus Assisi, before flying to Australia from Rome on the evening of Thursday the 14th of January; I'll have the weekend in Melbourne, and get back home on Sunday afternoon.

Pray that all goes well! I look forward to meeting various people during this upcoming holiday!


  1. great news! looking forward to seeing you here again!!

  2. Hoorah! I might be able to meet up with you in England. Unless you have other accomodation plans?

  3. Hi guys, see you in January!

    Mike, if you wanna catch up in England, that'd be great. Send me an email...

  4. Joshua:

    Just a brief note, my friend, to say that I got your email and look forward to seeing you here in January. I will answer as soon as I can.

    God bless you!

  5. Dear Joshua,

    So we'll see you at saint Aloysius and the Balaclava Hotel in January?


  6. Yes, that's the plan. See you there!
