Thursday, October 8, 2009

Nihil vobis desit in ulla gratia - II

Bl Columba Marmion wrote in his masterwork Christ, the Life of the Soul:

...blessed be the Eternal Father Who has called us to Himself from all eternity to make us His children, and partakers of His own life and His own beatitude; Who, in order to fulfil His designs, has given us in Jesus Christ, all good, all riches, all treasures, so that in Him nothing is wanting to us: Ita ut nihil vobis desit in ulla gratia! (I Cor. i, 7.) [I, vii - p. 25.]

...why do we still hesitate in our faith and confidence in Jesus Christ? He has expiated all, paid all, merited all, and His merits are ours: we have been "made rich in Him", so that if we will it, "nothing is wanting to us in any grace of holiness". Divites facti estis in illo, ita ut NIHIL vobis desit in ULLA gratia. (I Cor i, 5. 7.) [III, iv - p. 58.]

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