Saturday, October 3, 2009

Latin Mass in Hobart

Owing to the exceeding charity of His Grace, who apparently hasn't heard of Summorum Pontificum, or rather takes his instructions from other sources, despite many petitions addressed him by the exasperated faithful, here in Tasmania there is but one Latin Mass, in Hobart, once a month, on the first Sunday, at the chapel of St Canice, in Lower Sandy Bay, at 11.30 am.

(See Tassie Traddies for some details.)

Therefore, thanks to our soon-to-retire Ordinary, ever brimful of pastoral solicitude for his scattered flock, I have some driving to do to-morrow: I'll go to the Missa Cantata, then visit friends, stay the night at the Grand Chancellor (a spot of luxury at least), then attend a course to do with my employment on Monday, before driving back in the late afternoon.

Since Thursday is Royal Launceston Show Day, a public holiday, I therefore have an agreeably abbreviated work-week: only three days! At least there's some relief in that.

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