Thursday, October 22, 2009

Eve of the Pilgrimage... and a Real Gift

Pray for me...

To-morrow, after a full day at work, I must quickly collect my bits and pieces and rush off to the airport. Then, arriving at Tullamarine, I have to get the shuttle bus to Southern Cross Station, where I'll meet Justin. We then catch the train to Ballarat, arriving at a quarter to ten. Finally, we're to be met by some kindly volunteer who'll drive us to the pilgrim encampment at Smeaton (for the Pilgrimage itself will have begun to-morrow morning).

In the meanwhile, I've been beguiling myself with my latest acquisition - a real steal, kindly offered me below cost price by CG, an acquaintance of mine: a 1953 Breviarium Monasticum, Pars Prima (Advent to Whit Saturday), printed by Desclée. It's a large, hardback volume in excellent condition. While there seems to be not a single mark on it, the mark of its provenance is that it includes, at its end, the Proper Offices for Saints feasted in the American Cassinese Benedictine Congregation...

Next, I suppose I should obtain the matching second volume. Of buying books there is no end.

I close with a renewed request for prayers, just as I will hope to offer up my pilgrimage not just as some expiation for my sins (in union with Christ's Sacrifice, solely by the grace of His theandric merits) but in intercession for all men, and in thanksgiving to the Almighty for such great favours as He ever showers upon us. What a Pope we have been given, in this dark age; Benedict is shewing himself a most caring pastor after the Sacred Heart of the Good Shepherd, solicitous in calling home the scattered flock of our Saviour Christ. May the restoration of the Sacred Liturgy continue apace; may Christ's social Reign by our poor efforts, in His Providence, be restored - for atheism and intolerance grows apace. (Though, as a friend once said, if the worst comes to pass, at least we'll all be martyrs!)

Two blessings from Monastic Matins to finish:

A cunctis vitiis et peccatis
absolvat nos virtus sanctæ Trinitatis.

(From all vices and sins may the power of the Holy Trinity absolve us.)

In unitate Sancti Spiritus,
benedicat nos Pater et Filius.

(In the unity of the Holy Ghost, may the Father and the Son bless us.)

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