Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Busy Week

So many feasts slipping by... St Bruno, Father of the Carthusians, those admirable champions of Christ, His heroic hermits, was celebrated on the 6th, yester-day; and the Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated to-day, the 7th. Reciting her Little Office at least kept the Mother of God and the mysteries of our redemption in mind. On Monday evening, driving home from attending a seminar in Hobart, it was the Rosary that I prayed.

To-morrow, St Bridget of Sweden: to think I was in the church that was once her house in Rome, only a few weeks ago! There are Catholics in Sweden; may their witness to the truth amongst the cold secularism and dying Lutheranism of Scandinavia help many souls find true peace, saving them from the alienation and nihilism that curse that advanced society. St Bridget, pray for us, and for thy countrymen, that we may be made worthy of Christ's promises.

To-morrow is also Show Day, a public holiday here - the Royal Launceston Show is on, and so I may take the opportunity to go for a drive...

I note that the Christus Rex Pilgrimage, which I have just signed up to join, very appropriately begins this year on Friday the 23rd, which in some places and congregations (among them the F.Ss.R.) is the feast of the Most Holy Redeemer, Our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ. Furthermore, Saturday the 24th (when I will join the pilgrims) is the feast of St Raphael Archangel, patron of travellers; and of course Sunday the 25th is the feast of Christ the King (in the Traditional Calendar).

It's only just over a fortnight away...

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