Thursday, September 17, 2009

Wednesday Afternoon and Evening

I was tired out by all my travelling, but gathered strength to walk from San Gregorio (where I am again for my last two nights in Rome) the 25 minutes or so to SSma Trinità for Mass.
The visiting American FSSP priest (Fr Nichols, from Virginia, as I learnt to-day) said the Mass. It wasn't a dialogue Mass as I had previously encountered at the church. However, as seems the custom, one and all sang Salve Regina afterward.
Then, off to S. Giovanni de' Fiorentini to meet my seminarian friends Mike and Brennan, who then walked me through the tunnels under the Janiculum to a Chinese restaurant! At €33 for the three of us it was cheaper than some of my meals for one. We walked over past the Leonine City for some gelati once we'd finished, and then I caught the metro home. Tired...

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