Saturday, September 5, 2009

Visita nos in salutari tuo

Memento nostri, Domine, in beneplacito populi tui: visita nos in salutari tuo (Ps 105:4) was the verse of Matins I was reading when the penitent before me came out of the confessional: so, repeating this to myself, especially its latter part - "Remember us, Lord, by thy favour toward Thy people: visit us with Thy salvation" - as my aspiration, confidence and hope, I went to make my humble admission of guilt.

Thankfully, the Spirit did help me to be more than usually candid about my state of soul, for I have been wretched and hypocritical. Father confessor was glad I could see my faults more clearly, and that I had been praying in reaction against this: his advice was at all times to speak familiarly with the Lord, telling Him of my fears and temptations, for this is of great help in avoiding falls; but as we all fall, always quickly to get up and persevere (as Christ taught us by His three falls on the way of the Cross). I thank God for sending so kindly and compassionate a priest to hear my confession.

Finishing off Matins later, it was good to pray Ps 106 (the last of Matins) as thanksgiving: let them thank the Lord for His goodness, for the wonders He does for men!

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