Monday, September 14, 2009

Santa Maria sopra Minerva

Behold, Santa Maria sopra Minerva - note the amusing elephant! (To the right, out of frame, are marks on the façade noting how high different floods of the Tiber came; the highest, back in the sixteenth century, would have flooded well in through the doors. One quaint inscription has it that, but for Holy Mary interposing her hand, all Rome would have been swept away.)

I forgot to mention this before: on Friday afternoon I also wandered into Santa Maria sopra Minerva - I had no idea till I went in how huge it is! And to find under the High Altar the body of St Catherine of Siena, and close by Bl John of Fiesole, a.k.a. Fra Angelico!

I prayed for my old friends the Dominicans there.

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