Saturday, September 12, 2009


Tu es sacerdos in æternum, secundum ordinem Melchisedech!

I am delighted (as Archbishop Hart always says - except to unwelcome visitors!) to mention that to-day in Melbourne an old friend of mine, Cameron Forbes, will be ordained priest (together with Joseph Danh Truong) by His Grace the Archbishop at St Mary's Cathedral.

As to-day is the feast of the Most Holy Name of Mary, Mother of God, let us fly to her patronage, and invoke her maternal care especially for these beloved sons of hers, who, as priests, are a special delight for Our Lady - for in them as ministers of the New Testament she sees her Son, our One Eternal High Priest, Jesus Christ. May her prayers help them live conformably to their most high calling, to be men of sacrifice and blessing, by the grace of God.

(In Rome, where I will be when this post appears, I will hope to add my poor prayers for this end.)


These two must be ordained by now - since it's the hottest part of the day here in Rome - so God bless them at the prayers of Holy Mary: ad multos annos.

I, too, attended an ordination to-day: at St Peter's, the Holy Father ordained five bishops. May they, too, be found good and faithful servants of the Lord, wise shepherds of His people.

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