Monday, September 14, 2009

Novus et Veteris Ordines Missae

Spot what is incongruous and superfluous in this picture...

As I explained at the Congregation for Divine Worship, it would be unseemly in principle to exclude the celebration of or attendance at the modern Roman Rite in its Ordinary Form; which my interlocutor observed was correct, since it would have been churlish to have spurned the Pope's Mass on that pretext!

Of course, I oppose all abuses of the Novus Ordo; it should be safe, legal, and rare.

At least here in Rome one sees quite commonly the traditional altar set-up, without some miserable table set up in the untraditional ignorant mania for Mass versus populum.

The first thing the Pope can do is to see the correct placement of the priest at the altar resumed throughout the City, stripping out philistine excrescences before perfectly serviceable atlars, and then extend it worldwide once more.

(It will require the generation of priests stuck in the seventies to die off before the Restoration succeed...)

Just yesterday, I also heard half a French Novus Ordo, which was very devoutly offered: and this morning, happening upon a church to read Prime in, heard the start of a Spanish Mass.

(What a pity I can't be in Toledo for a Mozarabic Liturgy! And because of an invitation last night to a function, I missed the Armenian Rite liturgy at St Blase, or San Biagio degli Armeni.)

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