Sunday, September 6, 2009

Mass and Blessing

As is my wont, I went to Mass at St Francis, Riverside - but this morning, rather than for the Vigil Mass last night. The Novus Ordo for me is at least an opportunity to pray Matins and Lauds - the latter part of which in thanksgiving for Holy Communion - and Prime after its end. It's amazing how much wasted time can be profitably used in this manner!

(Lest any be scandalized, I do attend to making the responses, listening to the prayers, the Gospel, the sermon, and above all I attend to the Eucharistic Prayer.)

After Mass, I spoke briefly with Fr Allan, and he kindly gave me the blessing of pilgrims to speed my travels and protect them. In return, he asked for me to pray for him and all at the holy places in Rome, and to bring back interesting pamphlets and holy cards - which I fully intend doing.

This Tuesday, the new chant group will have Benediction; I'll miss this of course, but will see Father and friends on Tuesday the 22nd for our next practice.

And to-morrow morning, I plan to leave home at 7.30 am, so as to be at the airport bright and early for my flight to Melbourne, and thence to Rome...

Now, to packing!

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