Saturday, September 19, 2009

Last Morning in Rome

Up very early, over to St Peter's one last time... I served Mass for Fr Withoos at the altar of the Navicella, to help teach one of the altar boys how to serve the Trad. Mass. Veneration of St Peter, and of sundry holy Popes (St Gregory the Great, at whose altar another Trad. Mass was going on; St Pius X; Bl John XXIII; Bl Innocent XI)... finishing Matins in the Bl Sacrament chapel.

Breakfast with Fr Mark and friends afterward...

One last purchase at a bookshop I wished I'd found earlier...

Back to San Greg., then off to the airport.

Arrivederci, Roma!

[This post seemed to have been lost somehow, so I now, years later, put it back onsite.]

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