Tuesday, September 15, 2009


To-day, all being well, I'll train from Rome up to Florence, and stay the night in what should be pretty nice digs next to Santa Croce - which I have just discovered, such is my ignorance, to the largest Franciscan church on earth, and the burial place of Michelangelo, Galileo, and many other famous sons of Italy...

Ah, Firenze! Dear to me for two reasons: here, at San Marco (which pray God I'll visit), Fra Angelico painted his sacred art; and here St Philip Neri was born, baptized and raised. (Like all Florentines, he was immersed in the saving waters at the great baptistry of the cathedral.)

To-day is also the feast of the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin, sharing the voluntary, salvific sufferings of her Divine Son. Stabat Mater Dolorosa...


  1. Thanks, Joshua, for your fabulous posts describing your experiences in Rome!

    I look forward to each update!

    Mickie :)
