Saturday, August 29, 2009

Three Missæ Cantatæ!

I had the pleasure of a telephone conversation with Fr Rowe this evening; it was good to hear from him, and I was very happy to hear that for the feast of Holy Mary's Assumption this year, he sang three Masses - yes, he had three Missæ cantatæ! - two at the Pro. (at 10am and 6pm) and one over at Good Shepherd, Kelmscott (at noon).

Just previous to the liturgical reforms there died in England a priest who had such a choir as permitted him to sing High Mass every day; but to sing three Masses in a day! Excellent! Very pastorally solicitous to his faithful people! And very devout to Our Lady to do so too.

(This Sunday, Fr Rowe will be having a sung Mass in Bunbury, since five young people will be making their First Communion: wonderful.)

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