Sunday, August 30, 2009

Lazy Sunday

While I would ideally prefer to mark each Lord's Day (at least) with Solemn High Mass, in default of this, having for the moment found a Novus Ordo place of refuge in the local pious Franciscan priest's church, at present I fulfil my obligation on Saturday evening (first Vespers of Sunday) at the Vigil Mass - so Sunday morning and evening are free of Mass.

As there was no sung Mass to be had, I put on a CD of a polychoral Mass, and read over the propers of the 12th Sunday after Pentecost, Deus in adjutorium.

These Sundays, blessed days of rest, I arise about 10 am (because in recent times I've been watching a rather good late night television series, Foyle's War, on Saturdays), and have a nice easy time of it - after lunch, seeing as the weather was actually fine for most of to-day, I went for a good long walk of about two hours' duration, from my home all the way up the Cataract Gorge to the old Duck Reach power station and back (ouch, sore feet).

Next Sunday being the first in September, I'd ordinarily be off to Hobart for this State's one and only Trad. Mass (thanks for nothing, Your Grace!), but as I'll be flying off on my Roman holiday on the Monday morning following, I'll probably stay here and get final preparations done.

I wonder if I should learn any Italian?

1 comment:

  1. Do you have an iPod/MP3 player? If so, there is a very good Podcast you could use to get some basic Italian - it's called LearnItalianPod.
