Sunday, July 5, 2009

Monthly Mass - July 2009

Off to Hobart at 8:30 am... stopping briefly at Campbell Town on the way... arriving at 11:15... Confessions before Mass... the Missa Cantata from about 11.40 till just before 1 pm... lunch with an old dear friend of mine, and then back on the road north at 2.45... making brief stops at Oatlands as well as Campbell Town again... finally getting back home at 5.45 pm.

What we have to do for the Mass of our fathers!

I used to be impressed when Michael, one of my friends from W.A., used to drive up from Bunbury or beyond (a little further than I do) so as to attend the Latin Mass in Perth.  Now I have to do so.

The Mass itself: Mass VIII (de Angelis) and Credo III, with full Gregorian Propers... a smaller than usual congregation of 45 in attendance.  Since the Mass is rather late in the day, takes well over an hour, and only comes once a month, more would - and have - come, but for various reasons don't always turn up.  I do hope Father, bless him, could say Mass just a little bit faster (he may only say it once a month, owing to the strictures of this archdiocese, which is not enough for getting into practice; his Latin is fluent, but it is somewhat evident that he is carefully reading the rubrics at certain points, such as at the end of the Canon).


  1. Might see you there next month, Joshua.

  2. I hope so - do let me know who you are, numbers of friends have been quizzing me as to your identity (not that I'll tell them)...

    We do think we've worked out who your P.P. is, BTW (he's a pretty hope-less character it seems?).

    Or, will you be in disguise? (Images of a floor-length Spanish mantilla...)

  3. The mantilla sounds like a good option anyway. Well, I don't care about absolute anonymity; only enough that I feel the kids are safe from the various cranks out there, so I'll be certain to properly introduce myself.

    You are spot on about my PP's identity - so now you know where I am.

    Currently Pres of the Newman Association - that may help you.

  4. Oh, but my PP's not hopeless. He just needs some TLC from people who actually believe in the contents of the Catechism.
