Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Gregorian Chant Group - II

Our nascent group, thanks to Fr Allan, began last night's practice with Ps 133, Ecce nunc benedicite Dominum, from Sunday Compline, which we sang chorus contra chorum, and after we'd practised it, we moved on to a chant setting of the Ave Maria.  Next, we revised the Kyrie (from Mass XVI) and the Sanctus and Agnus Dei (from Mass XVIII), before beginning to learn the O quam suavis est (a more difficult and melismatic piece, which is the Magnificat antiphon for 1st Vespers of Corpus Christi, and sounds a great deal like both the Sanctus from the Missa de angelis, and the antiphon O lumen Ecclesiæ in honour of St Dominic).  

This pleasant and rewarding session closed with a reprise of In manus tuas (the Compline responsory), as a fitting night prayer, then a blessing.  It was good to chat with new friends afterward; we resume in a month's time, as Fr Allan will be away - celebrating his 50th anniversary of ordination.  Ad multos annos!

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