Wednesday, June 10, 2009

To Rome in September

Friends and acquaintances - I'm off on holiday to Rome in September (that's Rome, Italy, as the Americans say), probably from the 5th to the 15th, give or take a few days.  

I should explain that a friend of mine, being a seminarian at one of the Pontifical Colleges, will be there at the time, albeit attending lectures and so forth, and I plan to call in a few favours from him and various clergy I know, so as to see the Holy City in closeup, so to speak.

Herr Schütz has already put me onto a pleasant pensione that only charges €30 a night, thank God.  I joked with him that I hoped not to have the same reaction to Rome as Luther did, and he replied that "Rome is full of faith, everyone who visits leaves a little bit behind!"

Anyone thinking of going at about the same time?  I would be interested in meeting up with any fellow bloggers or tourists when seeing the sights, having that private audience with the Pope ("Most Holy Father, here is my list of suggestions as to how to run the Church... and thirty-seventhly..."), etc.

I plan, fairly obviously, to visit the Vatican, the Chiesa Nuova, the Catacombs, the rest of the Seven Churches, etc. - all this will be fleshed out into an itinerary in due course.

Please leave comments with helpful suggestions!


  1. "That seminarian"Wednesday, 10 June, 2009

    I'll see what I can do. At least we will get you in for some food. You might want to ask my "minder" about things, he's very good.

  2. i thought there was another friend at same pontifical college?

  3. Very amusing guys, let's call you B-1 and B-2!

    Just be glad you're not locked up over at the Collegio Negrorum, I mean Propaganda Fide...

  4. September!? :-( Bah... why not November!?

  5. It will be unlikely I'll have time to visit Scotland or England - or France, or Spain - on the way, alas...

  6. Sorry, Joshua; I should have been clearer: I myself am going to Rome in November!
