Tuesday, June 16, 2009

To Rome - and Florence

I have decided that it really would be remiss of me to spend over a week in Rome, partly as a pilgrimage to the churches associated with St Philip Neri, and not at least take a side trip to Florence - where he was born, where he was baptized (at the Duomo, surely), where he was schooled (at the famous Dominican Convent of San Marco, illuminated by the sacred art of Bl Fra Angelico) - and also stop by the headquarters of the ICKSP, at Gricigliano...

(That well-known traveller, my former parish priest, Fr Rowe, visited there with parishioners, and all found it a blessed experience as I recall.  As for myself, my only encounter with the Institute of Christ the King, Sovereign Priest is that one of their priests was in attendance at Juventutem during World Youth Day in Sydney - one year ago - and heard my confession.)

Again, any advice on travel to and around Rome - and Florence - in early to mid-September would be most appreciated...

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