Wednesday, June 10, 2009

St Margaret of Scotland

Please consult last year's post about St Margaret.


  1. It was such a cold morning here in Melbourne as I said Matins today that I was struck by the line in the selection from Proverbs for the chapter:
    She shall not fear for her house in the cold of snow: for all her domestics are clothed with double garments.

    It made me acutely aware of how miserable the poor must be in countries with prolonged cold winters - like Hungary and Scotland.

  2. That's interesting, CG. You know her feast is celebrated here on November 16th?

  3. I recall from your former blog, Mark, that you went on a pilgrimage in her honour on her feast day last year...

  4. That we did, Joshua. Though, apparently the proper Scottish day was November 16th
