Monday, June 8, 2009

Prayer for The Queen

This prayer for the Sovereign was - and still is, I believe - sung in Great Britain after High Mass on Sundays; in Australia, because of Irish sensitivities, not so much!  But it is Her Majesty's official birthday to-day:

Domine, salvum fac Reginam nostram Elizabeth.
Et exaudi nos in die, qua invocaverimus te.


Quæsumus, omnipotens Deus, ut ancilla tua Elizabeth Regina nostra, qui tua miseratione suscepit regni gubernacula, virtutum etiam omnium percipiat incrementa; quibus decenter ornata, et vitiorum monstra devitare [, hostes superare], et ad te qui via, veritas et vita es cum prole regia gratiosa valeat pervenire.  Per Christum Dominum nostrum.  Amen.

(O Lord, save our Queen Elizabeth.
(And mercifully hear us in the day when we shall have called upon Thee.

(Let us pray.

(We beseech, almighty God, that Thy handmaid Elizabeth our Queen, who by Thy mercy has received the rule of this realm, may also receive an increase of all virtue; fittingly adorned therewith, may she be able graciously to avoid monstrosities of vices [, to subdue foes,] and to come unto Thee, Who art the way, the truth and the life, together with the royal offspring.  Through Christ our Lord.  Amen.)

[Strangely, the prayer ends Per Christum, though the allusion to Him Who is the Way, Truth and Life would seem to imply the collect is directed to Christ, and so should end Qui vivis - apparently the relevant Congregation was once asked about this curious conclusion to this prayer, since it is one of the Votive Collects in the Missal, but it decided that it should remain as printed.]


  1. As far as I understand it is said after Low Masses in England & Wales only... curious, eh? We certainly never say/sing it in Scotland!

  2. Too Jacobite up north? (My sympathies certainly lie with James VII, forced off his throne for being Catholic.)

    I derive my facts from my 1955 St Andrews Missal, which includes the proper Masses for England, Scotland and Wales.
