Thursday, June 11, 2009

Lauds I & II

Have you heard about the well-meaning but liturgically unread priest who, all afire with zeal, preferred the Breviary to the modern Office - but didn't realize the reason the Breviary has both a Lauds I (which is for ordinary and festal days) and Lauds II (for penitential days, replacing the first psalm with the Miserere), and read BOTH Lauds every day for a long while till someone discovered his unfortunate unintentional work of supererogation?

And one night I dreamed there was a Lauds III as well...


  1. *teehee!* Reminds me of some of my silly mistakes...

  2. A friend of mine - now about to be solemnly professed as a Dominican - used to entertain me with his marvellous dreams, which always seemed to involve him celebrating Mass as the Archbishop of Sydney, or his coronation as Pope...

  3. Well, if you were saying a requiem office, then you do have to say a double office, do you not?
