Wednesday, June 3, 2009

June Latin Mass in Hobart

My last sight of New Zealand really taught me what "Land of the Long White Cloud" means - a spectacular view from the aeroplane of the whole South Island spread out in the pre-dawn twilight, with snow along the ridges and peaks, especially the Southern Alps, with Mt Cook surmounting all, and the great Fox and Franz Josef glaciers in plain view: a wonderful parting gift of Aotearoa.

Being now returned from New Zealand (I had to arise at 4 am, which is 2 am Australian time, and didn't arrive home till about 2 pm: so I'm tired), I will next be off to Hobart for the weekend, so that I can attend the Latin Mass there at St Canice.  What a joy, something I took for granted in Perth: Latin Mass three Sundays in a row...


  1. Jennifer NowellFriday, 05 June, 2009

    Dear Josh,

    I have very much enjoyed your comments about NZ. It makes me want to go back again soon!
    I will be in Launceston from 12-14 June, and was wondering if you could tell me the time of Mass on Sunday at the Carmel. It would be nice to catch up with you, if you're around that weekend, and if my relative-visiting schedule allows...



  2. Mass at Carmel is at 7.30 am every day, including Sunday.

    Jennifer, great to hear from you: you probably still have my contact details, so let's work out when would be good to catch up - I will be in Launceston all that weekend.
